Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEco TravelSaving the Planet with Low Cost Travel

Saving the Planet with Low Cost Travel

Low cost travel is an increasing trend in the travel and tourism industry around the world. Understanding travel and finding new efficient ways to travel is relevant to so many different people because just about everyone in the world travels by some means or another.

One of the world’s largest airline carriers transported over 100,000,000 passengers in North America, in 2008 alone. This has shown how relevant, learning new information about airlines and hotels is and how to travel cost effectively as well as environmentally friendly.

With travellers increasing global awareness, low cost travel is becoming key in choosing airlines and hotels. We bring you valuable information necessary to make excellent travel decisions with regards to cost, carbon emissions, and enjoying a stress free, well planned trip.

The different global warming issues need our consideration as some of the causes of global warming are caused by us. Global warming and the climate change are something we all contribute to in a positive way.

Simply think about travelling economy rather than first class. When you travel first class your seat size and legroom, or seat pitch is substantially larger, perhaps the size of 4 economy size seats. If you equate space on an airplane to fuel consumption, you will realize that in order to fly first class, you are in effect, using time the amount of fuel as you would when flying economy. This means that an airplane 4 times as many passengers on the same fuel consumption. The same wastage is seen on in-flight meals and entertainment. Think about the plastic used on board for cutlery, containers and headsets. All of these items need to be recycled to be re-used. This is an ongoing cycle with an alarming carbon footprint.

One of the major factors for increasing CO2 emissions is peoples use of air or rail travel on shorter journey that could otherwise be avoided or made more economical by opting for a different mode of transport. For example, if you usually drive to work why not try cycling, if there is a recreation destination you like to visit regularly but is a great distance away from you then have you considered moving closer to it? After all, if it is that important for you to visit it that often then would it not make sense for you to move closer.

We hope to shed some light on low cost travel and educate people on how to make informed travel decisions based on saving money and more importantly saving our environment, especially when planning family holidays.

Do you have any unique tips that you’ve used when travelling to save a lot of money? Get in touch to let us know!

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