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HomeAdventure TravelHere’s How To Stay Safe While Camping

Here’s How To Stay Safe While Camping

Camping is a great way to spend time in the great outdoors, but it can take you away from the security of your home and all of the luxuries you’re used to. Even so, camping does not have to be dangerous if you know how to take the proper precautions and have the right resources. You would need a good vehicle to bring along all the camping equipment. Maybe a truck with a good storage space and truck bed cover (check to know more) to keep the cargo safe.

In this article, I will share with you some of these precautions, along with the equipment that will keep you safe while camping. Read on for the top 8 safe camping recommendations that will keep your camping adventures safe and enjoyable.

  1. Always Use a Tent.

Camping is an excellent way to experience nature, but it can also be dangerous. Campfires, bear activity, and storms can harm you and your gear. A tent offers protection from the elements and helps prevent injury, so it is vital that you choose the appropriate tent for your camping experience.

  1. When Camping, Keep Food and Water Stored Away.

The best way to keep food and water safe is to store them in food containers, unfortunately, you may not be able to do that all the time. Storing food and water in cans, bottles, or containers and keeping them in a secure location is the best way to avoid attracting wild animals. To keep your food and water fresh and free from contaminants when you are camping, you may want to look into the best secure containers for your travels. Checking out websites like as well as going into camping stores, can help you find what you need so you are being as safe as possible.

If you’re camping in a place with wild animals, look for a cabin or a lean-to, where you can keep these items. Wild animals are attracted to food that is easily accessible, and a tent can provide a false sense of security.

Another great idea is to store your food and drinks inside your campervan or motorhome. Apart from making it easy to arrive at and leave your camping ground, a motorhome is also good for the security it provides in the wild against animals.

If you are planning a camping trip in New Zealand any time soon, don’t make the mistake of overlooking the importance of the right motorhome. Click to book a motorhome here so that you have all your ducks in a row for a memorable camping experience.

  1. Make Sure to Practice Proper Site Selection.

When planning your camping trip, make sure to select a safe place to camp. Stay away from brushy, overgrown areas that could hide dangerous people or animals, and always keep a safe distance from water sources in case they flood overnight. In an open field with a single large tree, many would choose to camp directly under the tree for shelter. However, on the one hand, a strong wind could easily bring a branch down on your tent, so don’t pitch your camp directly under the tree’s canopy. On the other hand, you don’t want to be too exposed. If your tent is the tallest object in the field, lightning is going to head straight for it. So, your best bet is to camp near a tree to attract lightning away from you, but not so close to it that you get hit by falling debris.

  1. Take Steps To Defend Yourself.

Depending on where you live, there may be wild animals near your campsite that you might need to defend yourself from should they choose to come lurking. Whilst most wild animals should leave an adult well alone, children are easy prey so it’s important to be able to protect your family as well as yourself. If you live in a country that allows guns, remember to pack a glock 19 holster or similar holster so that you have quick access to it. If you live in a country where guns are illegal, a cricket bat or something equally hefty can come in useful. Remember, wildlife is protected by law, so only defend, never attack. If you’re sensible and keep food tightly wrapped up, wild animals shouldn’t come anywhere near you in the first place.

  1. Keep Your Tents and Sleeping Bags Stored Safely.

If you’re camping at a lake or a beach, make sure to keep your tent and sleeping bags tied to a tree or a stake so that they won’t blow away in strong winds.

If you’re camping in the woods, make sure to place your tent or tent site at least 40 feet away from fire pits and campfires.

  1. Pack a First-Aid Kit.

Camping is not like a normal vacation. You’re surrounded by hostile wildlife and rugged, unforgiving terrain. The last thing you need is an injury or infection disrupting your trip. So, it makes sense to bring a first-aid kit.

It only takes one mistake to hurt yourself seriously, so it pays to be equipped with the right precautions.

  1. Make Sure to Pack a Compass.

When camping in the woods, it can be easy to get lost. Pack a compass and know how to use it, and bring a spare in case you lose one.

  1. Bring Backup Power.

If your lamps and torches begin to lose their charge, you’re in for some long nights. Bring spare batteries and keep them dry so that you can use them if need be. Similarly, you’re unlikely to be able to plug your phone in anywhere unless you happen to stumble across a pub (accidentally, of course), so bring a battery pack to keep it topped up. If you have any equipment, say you’re filming wildlife, you may also need a generator. Try to find the most reliable portable generators Lynchburg has to offer if you’re from the Lynchburg area – similar portable generators can be found in your own local area too. These should give you plenty of power, and can even be used if you come across an emergency along your way.

  1. Make Sure to Keep an Extra Blanket or Towel to Hand.

Some people find camping to be a relaxing experience, so much so that they choose to do it in areas where no facilities or amenities can be found. That’s why it’s important to carry extra blankets when you go camping. The extra weight is worth the price; after all, you don’t want to suffer from premature aging because your body cannot fight off the cold anymore.

If you’re camping in the backcountry and if your tent has a floor, make sure to keep an extra blanket or towel to hand.

If you’re camping in a cabin, make sure to carry an extra blanket, towel, or even a heavy jacket in case it gets cold at night.

  1. Always Make Sure to Check the Weather.

Nothing is worse than being out in nature and having your plans ruined by an unexpected storm or cold night. Something as small as a few minutes of storm time can turn into days of being stuck inside, which can put you in a negative spin.

Also, when it’s cold or wet, it can be easy for animals to be affected by the weather, which can make them unpredictable and dangerous. Avoid these kinds of situations by always making sure to check the weather so you can plan accordingly.


Going camping for the first time can be scary, especially if you’re going alone, or with kids. There are a lot of unexpected circumstances that could arise. If you check out online lists of what to include when you go camping, you’ll notice that most often, there aren’t many helpful tips on how to stay safe. That’s why we put together the tips above so you and your family can enjoy yourselves worry-free!

Hope you find them useful.

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