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See the world without any limits through travelling

Why I Quit My Job to Travel the World

Travelling is not just one of the ways to spend a vacation or free time. There is much more in it. A short trip can turn your life upside down and make you a better copy of yourself. You do not have to be a rich man to go and see the world. All you need is a great desire to explore new places and countries

worker beach

Reasons to travel

If you ask people who have travelled a lot why you need it, you can hear a long list of reasons. Let us be honest – this experience that gives you knowledge that you cannot acquire in books or on TV.

Trips change your outlook. If you grew up in a small town, you probably have not seen much in your life as life in small communities usually is smooth and calm. Travelling helps you broaden your outlook through exploring new cultures and traditions. Communication with other people helps us become more perceiving and open to new things and new sided of life. Travelling gives you opportunities to do things that you’d never thought you would get the chance to do. If you live in a warm country, you probably never thought that you would get to go skiing, but if you travel then that dream could become a reality. If this is something that you’re interested in and you would like to have a skiing adventure of your own, then don’t hesitate in having a look at ski packages in australia for help and ideas on where to start.

New challenges. Journeys and trips can challenge you in many ways. It is challenging to go to a different place if you do not know a foreign language or do not have any friends or relatives there. You might face with local rules and traditions that can be very different and sometimes even strange.

It motivates you. Travelling motives people if different ways. If you do not know a foreign language, you will start learning. Or better still, you can learn before you go by attending somewhere similar to this language school in Leeds so you have some knowledge about the common and basic speaking terms upon your arrival. And then, you will be able to learn as you go. If you do not have enough money, you will start earning more. Even student manage to earn extra money by writing cheap essays or selling hand made things.

Quit job and see the world

Go out of the office to realize that there is life out there. The best time to travel is when you are young and curious. With time and age, you will lose curiosity and start thinking that you know enough. Do not lose your opportunity right now. If your office work is the only obstacle, feel free to quit it. You get much more than you lose.

  • Before quitting a job and go around the world, save enough money to support yourself and find a place to stay.
  • Use opportunities to earn extra money, if you are offered. If someone local asks you “would you do my essay for me because you are native speaker?”, use it as an excellent opportunity.
  • Be simple. The main goal of travelling is getting to know the world better. You will not do that by staying in luxurious hotels and going everywhere with an interpreter. Stay in small but nice hotels, learn local language by communicating with local people, eat at small local cafes, etc.
  • Learning how to teach English in Korea is just an example of a great way to earn money and travel.
  • Do not be afraid to start an adventurous journey on your own. There is no guarantee that you will find someone likeminded but there is a guarantee that you will regret later in life about not using such opportunity.

Give a thought to this crazy idea. Of course, it’s important to know how to stay safe while travelling overseas. But once you’ve committed to the idea, there should be no holding you back. There is no need to sell out your flat and all your belongings if you want to travel the world. It can be even a short period of your life with precious experience.

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