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HomeAmericasSpectacular Winter Cities

Spectacular Winter Cities

This time of year is meant to take out your warm clothes, sip on some hot chocolate and spend some time with your loved ones around a fire (make sure you have enough heating oil to keep the place warm, such as from Romeo’s Fuel) and of course, enjoy the season of festivities! However, when winter does arrive, many people find their thoughts turning to sunnier climes as they begin to think about the summer that’s just passed – and the contrast between the warm days and the cold.

Escaping the low temperature for a while is something many of us do over the cooler months. But for those of us who enjoy the winter weather, there’s a great selection of cities that offer a wonderful winter experience.

Travelling abroad is of course fun at any time of year, but a stay overseas can often have a little extra magic when it coincides with the start of the holiday season. Even cities you thought you knew well from summer visits can have a charming and distinct feel to them during the winter – almost as if the city has two personalities.

So without further ado, here is a selection of spectacular winter cities for that are worthy of your consideration next time you’re thinking about a winter break:


The Belgian capital’s stunning architecture looks even better lit up on a dark winter’s evening. And when you factor in the city’s winter activities such as the Plaisirs d’Hiver (a.k.a. Winter Wonders) and its sumptuous Christmas markets, this is an unmissable winter opportunity. When you get home you will want to get all warm again so grab your bath robe in the hotel and stick something warm on your feet to give you the nice and warmy feels.

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Few cities have a castle right in the centre of town. Edinburgh Castle isn’t just any old historic fortress, either – it’s built upon a tower of igneous (volcanic) rock. A sight to be seen at any time of year – but in winter at sunset it’s an incredible sight. Edinburgh is also host to a series of annual winter events – truly marking its position as a year-round destination.


If there’s one direction to travel for the best winter experience, it has to be north. And if you visit Copenhagen, you will find yourself in a city that really knows how to light up for winter,. There is such a wealth of stuff going on in the Danish capital during the holiday season that you may find yourself pleasantly overwhelmed with choice – from the city’s renowned Christmas markets to the Christmas tables exhibition. Copenhagen offers a classy Christmas experience – Yuletide with style.

New York

The Big Apple is a big winter draw for many tourists – offering all the excitement that only New York can. The Christmas tree in Trump Tower? Check. Ice skating at Bryant Park? Check. NYC is a city that does thongs on a big scale, and winter celebrations are no exception! Remember to wrap up warm though – temperatures in new York City can get more than a little bit chilly from November onwards. Therefore, if you are managing with cracked window panes or non-insulated windows, now might be the time to consider getting some replacement windows installed by firms like North Shore or similar window replacement companies in your area.

Los Angeles

While Los Angeles maintains good weather throughout the year, it is the most beautiful during the winter. The winter is mild and filled with sunshine. Truth be told, planning to visit the city during this time may be one of the best decisions you may have taken. Do not worry there are plenty of things to do here in winter. Besides participating in activities like ice skating or hiking amidst nature, there is a bunch of offbeat things to do. For instance, you may visit the neighbourhood–Westwood Village, which is quite famous for its eateries, markets, and museums. You can opt for a serviced apartment and enjoy your vacation. No need to worry about plumbing or heating issues with any of the apartments you may opt for because most are maintained throughout the year. Usually, owners of homestays get their electric or plumbing issues sorted quickly perhaps by contacting an electrician or plumber near Westwood to avoid losing customers. Honestly, Westwood Village is a good example of an urban, compact, and public-transportation-rich neighbourhood that houses UCLA. Most importantly, nowadays, it is earning a reputation as a food lover’s haven, as it offers low-priced dining choices.

Oklahoma City

If you want a winter break that will not cost you a fortune, plan a trip to explore Oklahoma City safely. Whether you are planning a first-time trip to Oklahoma City as a tourist, or you are visiting the city for the hundredth time to see your family, you can always be surprised by the wonders that the place has to offer.

A note of caution: The weather here can get extremely cold. So, if you are a tourist in Oklahoma City, choose a hotel or lodge that has furnaces properly installed, perhaps with the help of professionals, like the ones found at Barnett Electrical (those interested can find out more about them here) and its likes.

Anyway, if you are wondering what you can do here, then go through the below-mentioned information.

You can marvel at the holiday lights of OKC for free if you head to Bricktown. They are particularly beautiful when viewed from the Bricktown Water Taxi.

The majestic eagle is not a common sight in every city, but there are a few spots near this place where you can see eagles taking flight in the winter skies.

  • Arcadia Lake
  • Quartz Mountain Nature Park
  • Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge
  • Skating on ice is a classic winter activity. You can skate outdoors on places like the Edmond Ice Rink or Devon Ice Rink during some times of the winter, or you can visit one of OKC’s indoor rinks year-round.

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    Anyway, if you’re off to a winter paradise this year –enjoy! But do be sure to stay safe and healthy. That means wrapping up for the weather, of course – as well as ensuing you are getting enough sunlight during daytime hours (to keep your vitamin D levels topped up). According to NHS Choices the most common winter illnesses include colds and flu – so make sure you’ve got the right remedies to hand just in case. There may also be local remedies for colds wherever you go – such as the Scottish ‘hot toddy‘ or its Chinese equivalent – ginger boiled in Coca-Cola.
    If you’re off abroad this winter, what are you most looking forward to? Let us now in the comments!

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