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HomeAdventure Travel3 Ways to Enjoy the Caribbean on a Budget

3 Ways to Enjoy the Caribbean on a Budget

When your thoughts turn to warm sand and lush scenery for a vacation destination, you’re going to consider the Caribbean. But the Caribbean is known for being expensive and you’re on a budget. So how do you get there? By going on a budget of course!

It is possible to go to the Caribbean to enjoy and experience the beauty of the island without putting out a lot of money and still feel like you had a great time. Following are three tips to help you enjoy a trip to the Caribbean and not go broke.

Pick the Right Island

The island you decide to visit is going to dictate the cost of your airfare. It’s due to the fact that not all islands have the same kind of air service. For example, multiple airlines have flights to Jamaica, which creates more competition. Antigua and Barbuda isn’t as popular a destination, so as a result, there are fewer flights there. Plane tickets are going to cost more for Antigua and Barbuda than for Jamaica. You’ll save money by going to an island that has multiple airlines serving its airport. And if you want to see other islands, there’s always the option to take an inter-island flight, which tends to be inexpensive.

Avoid Shopping Near the Port

It’s normal to want to bring back a souvenir or two that is unique and only found on the island you’re visiting. Your best bet is to stay away from the ports to get items that speak of the islands and are not mass-produced in an Asian country.

Each island has its off-the-beaten-path shopping destinations that are full of locally produced goods. One of the islands, St. Lucia, has three different shopping areas to choose from that are affordable and feature batik-cloth goods, something the island is known for. Ask at your hotel for the better areas to shop in that don’t cater to the cruise ships and aren’t expensive.

Eat Out Instead of In

You might find an all-inclusive package for a resort that looks like it’s a good deal, but it really isn’t because it leaves out meals. That’s another expense that can cost you more money because the resort may charge premium prices for food. A good solution is to head out to local restaurants, which can cost less.

There’s a benefit of eating out in that you get to experience local cooking with dishes made fresh for your table. Ask around the hotel for places to eat or ask a guide if you take a tour. You’re far more likely to get a good meal that way, experience local cuisine up close and personal, and save some money while helping the local economy.

You can see the beauty of the Caribbean and explore its wonders without spending every last cent you have. Use these tips to help you make your way to your dream destination so you can check it off your bucket list.

Feature Image via Flickr by Gail Fredericks

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