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How Taking Advantage of A Guided NYC Tour Saved Me A Ton Of Money

Saying that traveling is awesome is a bit of an understatement. It’s amazing the places you can see and the infinitely interesting people you get to meet along the way, whether you’re traveling on a tour bus, on foot, biking, flying, hitchhiking, and the list goes on.

The only bad thing that can come out of traveling if you aren’t careful is spending way too much money and getting into financial trouble. But usually, that only happens when you don’t plan ahead and you don’t budget for the anticipated costs. Luckily, smart decisions can help you beat having to spend too much while still making your travels as awesome as can be.

A practical example is how trying out an NYC guided tour saved the life of my NYC trip. Here are the top five ways it specifically made visiting NY unforgettable.

I Didn’t Get Lost

Let’s start with the obvious, I (thankfully) didn’t get lost. One of the first obstacles any traveler will run into when stepping out and exploring new places is how easily they can get lost, and not to mention frustrated.

I did some research and booked one of TopView’s New York City tours the days I knew I’d be in the city. I avoided getting lost, getting upset, having to spend extra money to find my way around, and having to waste emotional energy. It was a win-win setup. But that’s not quite it.

I Saved On Transportation

Getting around NYC can be massively expensive, especially if you are doing it above ground because you want to make sure you’re taking in all the sites. By booking a guided tour, I was able to make sure I didn’t have to spend extra money getting from destination to destination and I was still able to take it the sites (and get on and off where I pleased).

Because of that, I didn’t have to spend money on a rented car (way too expensive for an NYC exploration trip anyway), taxis, or even Uber.

I Saved On Physical Energy

A lot of my own travel friends have made the mistake of wanting to get everywhere they want to go on foot. They fail to think about how much energy that is going to cost them in the long run of their trip.

I didn’t have to feel exhausted or like I needed more fuel because I sat in a guided tour between hotspots around the city. I was able to sit, keep it moving, enjoy the views, and get off to explore more when I felt like it. Such a score when you talk about traveling.

I Covered More Ground In Less Time

When traveling, something just as valuable as the experiences and the people you meet is the time you have on your hands to be able to do the traveling in the first place. Time is money and I sure didn’t want to be wasting it getting lost or hailing cabs in the heat.

Who doesn’t want to be able to cover more ground in half the time without having to spend so much? And best of all, your experience will be enhanced by doing some planning ahead.

Had Way More Fun (For Less Money)

Ok, this one might sound a bit sarcastic, but it doesn’t make it any less true. If there is something we all love, it’s a good bargain. And for those of us who love to explore new places, a travel bargain is the absolute best.

I love that I was able to go around Manhattan and not have to worry about overspending, or if I was going to get lost for too long, or if I was going to turn into the wrong places. Being able to be free of all these pitfalls made my guided tour and NYC experience so worth it.

Make Sure You Plan Ahead

Making sure you plan ahead would be my number one piece of advice when booking your next trip, no matter how far or near it is. Planning ahead is what was able to make my NYC trip go from an exhausting trek and a stressful mess fearing what I’d miss out on to an awesome experience where I had tons of fun, learned a lot, and wouldn’t hesitate doing all over again (this time with a good group of friends).

Overall, you can definitely have amazing experiences on a budget. What puts a limit on how much we get to do and keep as memories forever are the limits that we put on our own selves. So, make sure you plan ahead, book a guide if needed, and most of all, make the best of every moment.

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